Kayri's Daily Media Curation

Excerpt from Bluets

Hello friends, enemies, and others. Today's media pebble-gift (like the gifts of twigs and stones that pigeons bring you if you make friends with them) is a quote from the novella Bluets by Maggie Nelson given to me by my dear friend S-----. Idk maybe she wants to stay anonymous. I read The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson in college at a time when I was not really ready to read it. It's about pregnancy and how that changes a person's relationship to their body. I may reread it someday because I believe I would be more open to hearing what Nelson is saying. Anywho, today's snippet is "122. 'Truth. To surround it with figures and colors, so that it can be seen,' wrote Joubert, calmly professing a heresy. 123. Whenever I speak of faith, I am not speaking of faith in God. Likewise, when I speak of doubt, I am not talking about doubting God's existence, or the truth of any gospel." Um Okay Maggie! When I read these two back to back I thought about faith as faith in reality. Faith in shared reality, which I think most people have a baseline faith in shared reality. Not many people question whether there is An Objective reality. I think more people should question that. Question what is "REAL" what is "True" what is "Fact" and not in a Trumpian alternative facts way i.e., to further your own agenda but question things out of sheer curiosity and wonder and awe and create your own understanding of what reality is, what the universe is, what life is, and what you want life to be. Have the day you want to have!!